2006 NEMO Music Festival in Boston this week

I’ll be running around town the next three nights taking photos (and maybe some podcasting tidbits) at a bunch of the NEMO Music Festival concert showcases. Keep an eye on Exploit Boston’s website. If you’ll be at NEMO taking photos, join us at the event photo group at Flickr. Bostonist will be writing reviews/words about the shows they see to compliment my photos.

What’s NEMO?

The NEMO Music Festival is dedicated to giving back to the music community of New England. Our goal is to provide education and opportunities to independent musicians, helping them to advance their careers and fulfill their dreams. We are involved in a number of charitable events that take place throughout the year to support this mission:

Boston Music Awards- Proceeds from this event go to the NEMO Scholarship Fund, providing scholarships to children who want to advance their music education but might not be able to afford to do so. Some of the proceeds from this year’s event also go to support the New England Music Hall of Fame, a non-profit organization that archives the great history of music in New England.

There are a ton of bands to see around town during NEMO. If you buy a writsband for $25, you can get into all the shows for no per-event cost. Otherwise, you’ll pay $5-10 per show. I’m going to try to make it to most of the venues. I’ll add another entry here and on Exploit Boston later tonight noting a few of the shows in particular that I recommend.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.