New home for my event mailing list at WhizSpark

I mentioned the other day that I was moving my event mailing list from over to WhizSpark. Mission accomplished! If you were on my list before and you did not receive an email via the WhizSpark system alerting you of the new list, you can sign up via my profile page at WhizSpark. It looks like 50 or so people were not added which was probably a copy/pasting oversight on my part and then a few unsubscriptions, too. If you’ve never been on my list before and you’d like to be alerted when I’ve got new events on the horizon, please sign up.

I’ve been going through old event photos and plan to move them over to my flickr account. Here’s one of my favorite sushi fest photos of Mark Bernstein. It was taken with an instant camera that we passed around the table at the sushi fest dinner party in 1999 at Guyuhama on Boylston Street.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.