2006: The Year of the Human

Late last year Pete Caputa invited a few of his cohorts to compose 2006 predictions. I missed the deadline and I’m sure I’ve passed the grace period for these sorts of predictions. But well, better late than never.

The more I hear about the latest event websites popping up, the more I am convinced of it. 2006 is the year of the human and connecting with each other at events — not just typing to each other online.

Case in point: Boston. It seems like every other person I talk to lately has an event website. OK, maybe that’s an exageration. But here are a few newish event-related websites in my town: HeyLetsGo, LikeLife and EntertainBoston. And of course there’s my Exploit Boston website that has been around for a while.

I think we will see more niche community/websites doing their own events, too. Craftster? Dogster? Mighty Foods?

Related: My valentine to the web is included in today’s issue of A List Apart. Thanks to Jeffrey for the invite to share my tidbits. :)

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. I saw your name on ALA and thought, “could it be the real Sooz?” Congrats on having your valentine published.

  2. Hey Ed! Long time, no see. There are a bunch of Sooz humans out there it seems. Michael and I sometimes meet up with Micky M. @ Herrells in Allston on Sundays. If you are around this weekend, let us know if you want to meet up. It has been a while!

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