A musicial month in May

Work has kept me from doing much updating on sooz.com and my other websites and projects. But I did manage to see three incredible concerts this month. First up was Sondre Lerche and band at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston. It’s my favorite spot to see live music in town and it was delightful to see Sondre perform with a full band for the first time in Boston. He brought his Faces Down band with him from Norway. They were smiling, laughing and dare I say having just as much fun as the audience. And then a few days later I saw Lloyd Cole at a tiny show at the Paradise Lounge next door to the rock club. He was finishing up a bunch of shows around Europe and the U.S.’s East Coast. Those of us in the room were a little confused that we seemed to be having an almost private performance considering the size of the place. Lloyd performed a long acoustic set of new tunes off of his Music in a Foreign Language album plus many old ones including my favorites “Never Look Back” and “Undressed.” Last night I saw The Magnetic Fields at the Berklee Performance Center. This is a band that for some reason, I really never knew much about until recently. My pal Mike is their sound guy when they go on tour and got me a ticket. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect but it always seems like he and I have similiar taste in music (he also did sound for two of my favorite bands Splashdown and Mistle Thrush) so I figured it would be good. Of course I had no idea just how good it would be. Josh and Jesse were in town from NYC and had gone to the three previous shows – two in NYC, and then the two Boston shows. We hung around on stage afterwards as things were being packed up and met some of the band.

I’m going to be in New York City on Friday, June 4th to see Rose Polenzani and her band perform at the Living Room at 154 Ludlow Street (between Stanton and Livington). They go on at 10pm if you happen to be in the area or want to join me for a late-afternoon bus trip from Boston.

Good times.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.