A weekend in NYC: photos!

josh and jeffrey talk about type

I spent Friday through part of Sunday in New York City, visiting friends and seeing the city for the second time (ever). One of the highlights was lunch on Sunday at Zen Palate with Josh, Carrie and Jeffrey. It turned out to be Jeffrey’s birthday so we had an unplanned January birthdays lunch (Josh’s birthday was a few days ago and mine is on the 20th). Josh and Jeffrey are my favorite online pals and it’s always been a wish-of-sorts to be able to spend time with both of them in the same room. Of course, that was a lot easier to see happen since Josh has moved from L.A. to NYC. Check out the photo album.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.