About Sooz

The nickname “Sooz” was given to me by a friend in 1997. I’ve been online since 1993 and made a few attempts to put a personal website together but nothing really stuck until sooz.com came along in 2001.

I grew up in Nebraska and moved to Boston May 1994. If you ever need to pack your life in three pieces of luggage and need advice on how to do it, let me know! I wanted to live in New England since about the age of 12 though I never actually visited until I was 20 during a spring break trip with a college pal.

I’ve been hosting social events and gatherings in the Boston area since around 1997 and I also provide event marketing services to clients. If you’ve got a business or personal event coming up, perhaps I can help! I send out an email newsletter every few weeks listing interesting events and happenings in the Boston area and invites to gatherings I’m hosting. Once or twice a year since 1998 I’ve hosted a sushi dinner party. Photos from past gatherings are in the photo album. Sometime soon I’ll be setting up a website for my event marketing services at www.susankaupevents.com.

Current Projects

:: Exploit Boston! is a new project featuring interesting art, culture and entertainment events in the greater Boston area. My role: publisher. Officially launching sometime, someday. But probably sooner or later.
:: Free Agent Boston hosts social, educational and networking events for free agents, consultants and freelancers in the greater Boston area. It started out as a small lunch for freelancers December 1999 and has grown a lot since then. My role: host.
:: Boston Blogs has hosted events for web writers in Boston off and on since 2002.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.