Art and Theater Events in Boston

Exploit Boston has always been a little heavy on music related events because that’s the sorts of events I’m personally most interested in. Michael has stepped up as book/literary editor so the site is going to see a lot more in that area. I’d like to conspire with another human who would like to contribute arts-related listings and another human who would like to contribute theater-related listings. Is that you? More than one person in each area would rock, too. As would infrequent contributors: it’s all good!

I’ve written about wanting to collaborate with other people before but I think it’s taken a while for me to get this damn website organized to a point where others really could contribute easily. And I’ve probably chilled out a fair bit, too. My contributor expectations noted below are modest. (Yeah?) It looks like some improvement in the area of structured event blogging might be happening sooner or later and that will be a huge help, too.

There’s no pay (for now) but there is a nice perk: getting into events for free with a press pass/comp ticket and/or photo pass, too. If you’re a professional writer this is probably nothing to write home about: you get this stuff already. But if you’re a blogger who has a passion (borderline obsession) with art, music, theater, books, etc … then this might be right up your alley.

Since this is a labor of love project (for now), requirements are modest: contribute at least five event listings each week and then eventually start to write an experience review 3+ times each month via your complimentary ticket and/or photo pass. As far as the press tickets and photo passes go, I do the work to line those up. You just need to tell me where you want to go (three weeks in advance is ideal), show up and write a well-written first person account (no need to be “objective” or “unbiased”) of the experience. You own your words so if you want to publish your review on your website at the same time the words get posted at Exploit Boston, that is great. Cross-linking between the two sites is how I usually have arranged it. Photos are a different story and would be on a case-by-case basis. For the most part I probably won’t be enlisting many others to take photos at events.

Andrew Teman has posted contributor requests for Music Post on Craig’s List and that seems to be going very well. I’ve thought about doing that, too. If you want to pass this on to anyone you know, that would be super.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.