Best Spam Ever and Gabriel Jeffrey’s New Book

[UPDATE: So much for it being a random email. The book author gave the publisher my email. ;)]

I think I’ve got an email that may qualify as the best spam I’ve ever received. The publisher of Gabriel Jeffrey’s new book sent me an email. I suppose this is the first time I’ve received a spam-ish email about someone I know. I’m surprised they didn’t include a link to the book’s website or Gabe’s weblog especially since this email was probably targetted to bloggers.

Here’s the email …


With the country leaning toward a period of morality and rectitude where do regular people go to vent the little daily sins that plague us all? They go to, the confessional Web site created by Boston resident and graphic designer, Gabriel Jeffrey. Gabriel began the site in September 2003 (in his spare time/on a lark), having no idea it would explode into the most wildly successful, hippest confessional site today.

Based on the grouphug site, the new non-fiction guilty pleasure STONED, NAKED AND LOOKING IN MY NEIGHBOR’S WINDOW: THE BEST CONFESSIONS FROM GROUPHUG.US compiled by Gabriel Jeffrey, is a bit like reality television in book form. STONED, NAKED celebrates the slightly uncomfortable joy of reading about humanity’s small (or massive) indiscretions ­ from sleeping with a best friend¹s boyfriend to forging a coupon for a free pie.

The book functions as a mirror on today’s society, reflecting the joy, despair, humor, absurdity and chaos of living in the 21st century.

Gabriel could make a fascinating feature or interview, discussing the need for an anonymous, untraceable, thoroughly engrossing public record of naughtiness, where people can confess their deepest, darkest secrets without a trace of identity. Or, we’d be pleased if you chose to run a review of STONED, NAKED, AND LOOKING IN MY NEIGHBOR’S WINDOW: THE BEST CONFESSIONS FROM GROUPHUG.US on your site, and/or reprint some of the most amusing, heartbreaking or hilarious confessions.

Let me know your thoughts, and we¹ll send you a copy of the book for your perusal.

All best,

[publisher rep’s info]

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.