Blast from the Wild Wild Web Past

Six years ago I was part of an online community/zine of writers and designers from around the world called It was a curious bunch of people that ranged in age from teens, 20s and a couple of people in their 30s. I was “old” in the group at 25. One of the best things to come out of that group was meeting Josh Darden who became (and still is) one of my best friends. There was a television show based in Boston called Wild Wild Web who I nagged for several months to do a story about Swanky. They finally agreed so a half dozen of us (from the Midwest and Northeast) descended upon The Someday Cafe in Davis Square to be interviewed by Catherine Burns and her crew at the end of the summer of 1998. Every time I walk past Someday and see the red couch I’m reminded of that funny afternoon. I ended up working for the show in the marketing department a few months after the interview.

I’ve been wanting to get the interview online for a long time. Steve Garfield is going to help me. So sometime in the next few weeks I’ll finally be able to put up a Quicktime video.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.