Boston photo walk on Saturday November 10th

A few of us are getting together tomorrow morning to wander around Boston together and take photos. If you want to join us, please do!

Boston Photo Walk!
Saturday, November 10th
11:30 AM @ the big fountain – Boston Common (Tremont Street)
Lost? Questions? Call Sooz: 617-379-0637

I’m going to create a spot on BostonNOW’s website (where I work) of photos taken during the walk for anyone who wants to contribute to that. Tag your photos from the walk “BostonNOW photo walk” if you’d like to be part of it. Everyone who tags their photos for BostonNOW will be entered to win one of two $50 Finagle-a-Bagel gift cards.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.