Cary Pierce is the real thing

Nini Camps and Cary Pierce backstage at Club Passim -- click to see a larger image via popup Club Passim and Cary Pierce in the background Help Club Passim buy new chairs!

Last week someone posted a message to the Glen Phillips email discussion list looking for help at Cary Pierce’s solo acoustic show at Club Passim. I had never heard of Cary’s music before but figured it was as good excuse as any to see new music. So, for a few hours last night I ran the merchandise table for Cary and the opener, Nini Camps. It’s truly amazing how much good music is out there that you might never hear. And yet there’s so much crap that you are forced to be exposed to if you listen to commercial radio. (Hey, that’s another fabulous reason to listen to stations at Live365 instead!) By a random set of circumstances I’ve now discovered a musician who will no doubt become one of my favorites. I’ve never been great at categorizing music; but I guess you could squeeze Cary into the categories of singer/songwriter/pop/rock. He’s a superb songwriter with an excellent stage presence.

Cary’s been around for a while and had a lot of success with his old band Jackopierce (1997-1998) who is now getting back together for some shows. They’ll be at the Paradise at some point this year. Stay tuned!

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.