Catching up with work and life

Today has been a reasonably productive sort of day. I got a lot of work done for the Rock   Roll Library including posting a new job on RRL’s page. Do you live in the Boston area with three hours per week to contribute as the membership coordinator? This person will be responsible for sending out membership packets to new members and will also respond to membership related emails that come through the website. And on a related note, the Rock   Roll Library has a charter membership program running right now for rock and roll fans who want to become an integral part of an internationally recognized music force. I’ve been conspiring with RRL since around January and it’s been a lot of fun.

There’s a new photo album up with photos from my trip home to Nebraska few weeks ago. Now is probably a good time to get outside for the first time today while the sun is still out.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.