Dinner at ZuZu and Sondre Lerche at TT’s on November 14th

Sondre Lerche is embarking on a headlining tour around the U.S. next month. He’ll be at TT the Bear’s on Friday, November 14th. Anyone interested in meeting up the street on Mass Ave at ZuZu, home of the oddly named yet excellent Middle Eastern version of the Pu Pu Platter and tasty bourbon-infused Sour Mash Smash, is invited to join us at 8:30pm. Send me an email if you will be joining us. We’ll walk around the corner to TT’s at 10pm for the music.

I picked up Sondre’s new Don’t Be Shallow EP last week when it came out. At 21, he’s already got a gift for crafting truly excellent songs. Then again, he wrote the songs on his first album Faces Down when he was a teenager. The EP includes four new studio tunes and four live solo recordings from his Spring 2003 tour around the United States. I was happy to see it included a live version of Sleep on Needles which completely overwhelmed the TT’s crowd when he performed it a few months ago. Newbury Comics has Don’t Be Shallow on sale for $8.99 so go grab it!

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.