Dinner party plans are

Dinner party plans are underway

After conspiring with a coworker, it looks like the next dinner party will be Thursday, August 23rd at The (ohsotasty) Summer Shack at Alewife in Cambridge, MA. Jasper White, the shack’s proprietor, makes the best pan-roasted lobster. I highly recommend this dish! An all around fun time for everyone is in store! If you’d like to join us, check out the info on the events listing page and/or send an email to rsvp@sooz.com. You pay for what you consume: food and drink.

The rsvp3 venue has been booked and paid for. Michael’s got his eye on a white jacket, white pants and neon shirt. If it weren’t an 80s party, I’d be scared!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.