Drupalcon Love (and why Kieran Lal rocks)

Drupalcon Boston 2008

Earlier I was catching up with Acquia’s blog and found this post by Kieran Lal. He rounded up a bunch of feedback about Drupalcon Boston that some of the (850+) participants posted on their blogs. After spending a solid eight weeks jam packed with work helping Kieran and the rest of the Boston organizing committee bring that event to life, it was very cool to read how much people enjoyed the conference. And it was an excellent reminder that I am really happy that I’m working with Acquia on events beyond the Drupalcon Boston event. Kieran was amazing to work with/for. He is the most organized, focused (and somehow still friendly) person I’ve ever conspired with. Not to mention he put up with me pestering him at practically all hours of the day for two weeks leading up to the conference. True awesomeness.

“Well, that week just flew by. This is the most time I’ve spent in front of my computer all week.”
“Big thanks to the following folks for hospitality, logistics, and generally making it a great week: Kieran Lal, Jeff Whatcott, Robert Douglas and Jay Batson from Acquia; Gary, Jose, Al, and Robertson from the Knight Foundation; Leslie Hawthorne — the source of all good Summer of Code things; Moshe, Jamie and the rest of the local volunteers; Matt Cheney and Neil Drumm; Tobby, Jonathan and Nik (MDW); Morten, the King of Denmark; D Mak; Christefano and Lee; Cary and the rest of the hockey posse; the Lucky’s Lounge mob; Mike Meyers; Eric Gunderson, Alex Barth and the absent Bonnie Bogle from Development Seed; Pierre from the World Bank (I don’t hate the bank); Lisa Williams and Ben Melançon; and, of course, the all-powerful Sooz.”
Ken Rickard’s blog

“I had a great time and want to offer my congrats to the organizing team for a solid event!”

“Otherwise, it was really great to see all the old faces and meet some new ones. For anyone who missed it, the Acquia party was a blast (Orbit rocks!). Looking forward to the next!”
James Walkah’s blog

Read more of Kieran’s Drupalcon Love roundup

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.