In June I traveled across the country from Boston to San Francisco via Amtrak. It was an adventure. My plan was to interview for jobs, reconnect with friends and have a new job by August 1st.
On July 3rd I accepted an offer from HelloSign. On August 4th I start my new job as Content Marketing Manager. I’m excited about what comes next. I’ve used their eSignature solution for my event photography work so I already knew about the product’s usefulness and awesomeness. And now I’ll be joining HelloSign’s team as the second marketing hire. Good times seem imminent.
I arrived in Oakland on July 30th and I’m staying at a place via Airbnb for the next 33 nights while I look for an apartment. Before I moved, there were a sea of goodbyes, cocktails and hugs. I arrived in Boston from Nebraska in 1994 “for the summer” when I was twenty-one and it remained my home for the next twenty years. I always thought I might want to move to the Bay Area and now it is apparently the time.
One thing I will certainly miss about Boston is the music community that I’ve been a part of as a fan and concert photographer. Here’s a Spotify playlist featuring many of my favorite Boston bands I’ve gone out to see and photograph over the years throughout 1994-2014.
The list below does not show additions after I published this post. You’ll need to look at the playlist on Spotify to see the latest updates.
To be continued!