Flexible Office Space at Cambridge Innovation Center

I moved into new office space recently at Cambridge Innovation Center. They’re in Cambridge at One Broadway in Kendall Square. I first checked them out last year and was impressed with their setup. On a month-to-month basis (no long-term lease) you can rent cubicles and offices that include a suite of services and amenities including business services (office furniture, receptionist/concierge on main floor, parking in the building, mail/package handling, cleaning, conference rooms) and technology services (telephone and voice mail, dedicated fax line, fax machines, copy machines, printers). Each of their three floors has a kitchen area that is stocked with snacks and beverages, too.

Most of their tenants seem to be small companies and startups. And just for the record, I receive no perk or million dollar payment for writing about them. I’m just a happy customer.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.