Fray Day! Fray Day makes

Fray Day!

Fray Day makes its way around the world tomorrow, Saturday September 8, 2001. Fray Day Cambridge is sure to be a lot of fun. We recently found out that Brother Blue, “the” storyteller for Boston and Cambridge will be there, too. He’s been telling stories for over 30 years. You can learn more about him at Riverdeep.

When: Saturday, September 8; 7-11pm
Where: YWCA @ Hannum Hall — 7 Temple Street (off of Mass Ave) Central Square, Cambridge, MA
What: Personal storytelling, poetry, open mic
Why: Everyone has a story to tell.
MBTA Redline: Central Square Stop.
MBTA Bus: #1 Bus.
Car: directions
Cost: It’s a volunteer-produced event. Donations are happily accepted (but not required) at the door to help cover costs.
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About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.