Game Night #4 at True Grounds

Another fourth Tuesday, another game night at True Grounds. If you’re in the area, join us for an evening of board games and card games on Tuesday, October 25th, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM at my favorite Boston area coffee shop: True Grounds in Ball Square, Somerville. They usually close at 7PM but stay open late for this shindig. There’s more information about the location, directions, etcetera over on the event listing at Exploit Boston.

In other game night related news, we’ve got a new night booked near my new neighborhood at the Paradise Lounge in Boston for Sunday, November 6th. More info on that soon. Sunday is probably going to be a little tricky around this time of year compliments of the NFL but I’m hopeful not everyone in Boston is glued to their TV Sunday nights. ;)

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.