Gathering of geeks and techies in Boston this weekend: BarCamp Boston 5, April 17-18

The annual gathering and unconference for Boston area geeks and techies is coming up this weekend. BarCampBoston 5 is happening at MIT’s Stata Center on Saturday, April 17th and Sunday, April 18th. As of earlier today there were already 505 people registered to attend. Looks like this could be the biggest BarCampBoston in the five years it’s been happening! On Saturday, the event happens 9am-6pm and Sunday it happens 9am-5pm.

How BarCamp Boston works

There is no registration fee, but you don’t just attend a BarCamp — you can participate in discussions, host a session of your own, or join in another cooperative event.

Topics may include: technology, marketing, cooking, startups, sci-fi, social media, gadgets, communities, design, hardware hacking, UI design, entrepreneurship, AJAX, open source software, art, robotics, mobile computing, bioinformatics, RSS, social software, programming languages, the future of technology, and more.

To see the current list of suggested topics, check out the BarCamp Boston wiki. Each morning before the day’s event, people go to the big schedule board and grab a room and time slot for the talk they’d like to help lead a discussion about.

Explore the website to learn more about …

Got a few hours to spare? Scheme with me at the registration + info desk

Once again I’ll be helping run the registration and information desk at BarCamp Boston. If you’d like to help out (and meet lots of people!) — send me an email or send me a direct message on Twitter. The times I need the most help are in the morning (8:45am-10am) and mid-day (12noon-3pm) both Saturday and Sunday.

Register for BarCamp Boston 5

Register for BarCamp Boston on the event page. There’s no required registration fee; but everyone is asked to contribute what they can to help offset costs. You can make a donation online when you register or in person at the event.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.