Gonzalo Silva and music serendipity

Gonzalo Silva was busking underground at one of the subway stations in NYC this summer when someone waiting for the train listened and bought a CD. The new fan, Sao Paulo director Jarbas Agnelli, decided to use a song of Gonzalo’s to put together a video from travels around NYC. It’s stunning. I was really moved watching this video. Maybe you will be, too.

Speaking of Gonzalo, he’s in Boston this week(ish). If you see him singing and playing his bass underground at a subway station, be sure to give him a few bucks for his efforts.

I’ve helped Gonzalo get up and running the past few months. It’s been such a treat to see how he’s been able to get the word out even farther about his music and connect directly with people (online) who normally only catch a limited glimpse of him while he’s playing underground.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. Wow! This is really nice. It’s so dreamy, and the video does the music a great service. Thanks!

  2. I thought you might like it!

  3. Mark says:

    I love the way the video was made…. perfect for the tune…

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