How To Change Your Twitter Username

Flight of Lesser Sandhill Cranes Is Airborne over the Lillian Annette Rowe Bird Sanctuary at Grand Island, Nebraska, in Early Morning...03/1975

A friend on Facebook mentioned that he created a new Twitter account with the username he now prefers to use. He didn’t know that you can change your existing username and keep your followers without creating an entirely new account.

Here’s how to change your Twitter username and keep your followers without starting over with a new account.

Step 1: Set up a new Twitter account and call it something unrelated to anything such as @hoorayforthis or whatever you want to call it. This is a temporary account.

Step 2: Log out of Twitter.

Step 3: Log into your soon-to-be-old Twitter username/account. For example: @gdbenedetto.

Step 4: Go to In the username field at the top, type the name of your new Twitter username. For example: @goddamnglenn

Click the “save changes” button.

Step 5: Log out of Twitter.

Step 6: Log into your temporary account (i.e. @hoorayforthis). Go to and in the username field at the top, type the name of your OLD Twitter username. For example: @gdbenedetto.

Click the “save changes” button.

Step 7: Go to and udpate your profile letting people know you can now be found at your NEW account (that has retained all your followers from the OLD account.) For example: “Oh, hello! I am now at @GoddamnGlenn. Follow me there! #hoorayforthis”.

Click the “save changes” button.

Shazam! You have now changed your Twitter username and kept your followers.

Step 8: Make yourself a cocktail and watch the video for “Bachelor Hours” by the goddamn delightful Parlour Bells.


Photo Credit: Flight of Lesser Sandhill Cranes Is Airborne over the Lillian Annette Rowe Bird Sanctuary at Grand Island, Nebraska, in Early Morning, March 1975″ by Patricia D. Duncan from The U.S. National Archives.

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.