How to turn bad traffic and delays into something fun. Almost.

We spent the afternoon in Meriden, CT with Michael’s family. The ride from Arlington was relatively painfree and took the usual 1.75 hours. The ride back was a slow crawl home and lasted closer to 3.5 hours. So, what do you do to make the trip home more enjoyable? 80’s music on the radio and web surfing with your Internet-enabled mobile phone, of course! About halfway into the return trip I saw the URL posted outside The Bunk House in Charlton, MA so I thought I’d check it out on my phone. This happened a few more times and provided two easily amused humans with entertainment. Another website we spotted included the Hebert Candy Mansion in Shrewsbury. Founded in 1917, Hebert’s is the oldest roadside candy store. Well, who knew! I’m definately taking my phone along for the ride the next time we take a random “hey, let’s get in the car and just drive” mini roadtrip!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.