Life After The Plague

I was sick with a bad cough for most of January. Nothing says fun like falling asleep at 8pm on your birthday. But now the cough is leaving and my quest to be human again has returned.

Everybody up on stage!

In the middle of my coughing haze I for Kier Byrnes from Three Day Threshold at the Rodfest V benefit concert that his family and cohorts hosted at the Paradise Rock Club on January 19th. Kier’s cousin Rodney hosted the first and second Rodfest as a birthday party for himself. When he died in a car crash three years ago, the concert transformed into a benefit show to fund a memorial scholarship. They had a goal to raise $8,000 at benefit #5 and ended up raising $20,000. Very cool, indeed!

Group playing Scattergories at Exploit Boston Game NightThe next Exploit Boston Game Night is coming up on Tuesday, February 6th next week from 7-11pm at Soul Fire BBQ in Allston. We’ve been doing this game night thing since the Summer of 2005 and this is definitely the best location yet. We’ll hopefully be adding another monthly night in Cambridge sometime soon.

Michael’s been doing a lot of his usual funny/witty/awesome writing over on BunkoSquad. (If you aren’t subscribed to his RSS feed — go fix that!) As of this week you can also read his words on Bostonist every Tuesday and Friday in the Sports Redux column. I don’t know how he does it, but the guy makes sports sound interesting.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.