Magnetic Fields Return From a 2-year Haitus with a Show in Boston May 22

Mike Yesenosky sent a little dispatch to Boston pals earlier today about the Magnetic Fields (he’s their sound guy) show coming up in Boston on May 22nd at the Berklee Performance Center. For two weeks, discounted tickets are available at Mike wrote: “Musictoday is a company that was formed by the Dave Matthews Band to combat Ticketmaster and their high service charges. Now lots of artists use it to save their fans from being ripped off. But in this case, they can only sell through Musictoday for 2 weeks, starting today.”

If a lot of people buy tickets in the next two weeks they may add another show.

Discounted tickets are on sale at (Registration required.) After March 19th, tickets will be available through Ticketron and the Berklee Performance Center’s box office.

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.