Media Soup in D.C. for Obama Inauguration Festivities

Joshua Fleetwood who I worked with at BostonNOW last year, has a new website: Media Soup, that came to life this week. He and his cohorts are in D.C. shooting videos and photos during Obama Inauguration festivities.

What is Media Soup?

Media Soup is a multimedia web site featuring editorial stories – large and small – produced through the collaborative efforts of professional journalists of all sorts, including photojournalists, videographers and writers. The goal of Media Soup is to allow journalists to tell the stories they want in the format they think gets the message across.

Video: Pedi cab drivers provide transportation alternative during inauguration

Here’s the video Josh put together interviewing Pedi cap drivers who are in D.C. from around the country during Obama’s inauguration. Pedi cabs have been given special permission to go where cars and taxis cannot.

See a bigger version of the pedicab video on Media Soup’s website.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.