New tunes added to Exploit Boston! Radio

My Exploit Boston! website has been a neglected stepchild the past six weeks but I’m working on some updates this weekend to make it easier to keep up-to-date. First up: Exploit Boston! Radio. I added a bunch of new Boston rock / pop / alternative / indie tunes to the stream including new songs from Sparkola, Loveless, Wheat and Aaron Perino’s new band Dear Leader. The stream is hosted by Live365. To listen you just need to create a free Live365 account. I usually use their browser-based player but you can also tune in with an MP3 player such as Winamp or iTunes. Of course, they have a business to run, so there are ads for users with free accounts but you can also upgrade to a preferred membership account and pay a few dollars to remove the ads (and support an Internet company that has managed to stay alive over the years!). The “now playing” popup will let you know what’s currently playing plus the previous two songs.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.