New Weblog Network?

Poking around Craig’s List I came across this ad from a company called Niner Niner looking for Boston webloggers who want to write on specific topics and get paid. They seem seem to be setting up something that resembles the Gawker Media and Weblogsinc networks. I have no idea who Nine Niner is. Anybody know anything about them?

I just checked the whois record for their domain name and it appears the company is based in St. Louis and they’ve been around since September 2004.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. Ooh, blogging the Long Tail, they are. is by one of the founders.

    The business model seems to be Google ads – at least until the Long Tail kicks in and they start making Big Bucks from Cluetrained advertisers. I wonder if there’s really any serious money in this for the writers – how much of those zillion dollars that the Times paid for went to the writers who made the place what it is?

    And I wonder if they know that the “author” of their search-engine optimization site seems to be largely reprinting articles that other people have written?

  2. Sooz says:

    Excuse me while I get out my buzzword bingo card. :)

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