Noah’s Wish

Donate to Noah
For a couple months I experimented with the iTunes affiliate program and included an ad in the top right spot of Since (I think) most people read my thrilling tidbits via the RSS feed, I’m probably not going to make a million dollars through that anytime soon. And I have no interest in placing advertising in my RSS feed. So, I figured I might as well put up something else in the spot for groups and organizations that I support. Currently it’s , a non-profit based in Placerville, California that helps rescue animals in disaster areas. Right now they are doing a lot of work in areas hit by Hurricane Katrina. Please consider supporting Noah’s Wish through a donation.

About the organization:

Having just one focus, Noah’s Wish is able to direct all of our resources – financial, equipment, staff, and volunteers, to end the needless suffering and death of animals when disasters strike. Over 75% of all donations made to Noah’s Wish go directly towards helping animals. We know you want your money to benefit animals and not pay inflated salaries or rent on elaborate office space. As a Noah’s Wish Preparedness Partner your mailbox will not be overloaded with appeal letters from us with heart wrenching photographs and sad stories intended to make you feel compelled to donate. Whenever possible we will use e-mail to communicate with you, a huge savings over stationery, printing, and postage. When we do contact you in this way the information will be immediate and not weeks or months old.

We will be doing a magazine just once a year called, This Year’s Journey. It will include articles and pictures that volunteers submit from disasters, along with the organization’s achievements. The pages will present an honest, fresh, and comforting look at disaster relief work. During the year, Noah’s Wish will not lure you to support us by sending you such things as return address labels, watches, generic note cards, or pocket calendars. Instead, we believe it’ll be the consistent dedication and hard work of our Disaster Response Team, as well as always making animals, not money, the number one priority of Noah’s Wish, that will convince you to become a Preparedness Partner.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.