Party Like It’s 1999

Web startup hosted a launch party on Tuesday in their new Harvard Square office. Dan Bricklin wandered around the room recording interviews with the Top 10 Sources crew and other party goers.

I can’t remember the last time I went to a launch party for a web business. It’s been a while! Everyone seemed to have a great time at Top 10’s shindig. The two rooms were packed, the food was tasty and the tshirts were a well designed black/white combo. I was going to bring my camera but decided not to be the blog paparazzi.

About Top 10 Sources:

Top 10 Sources is a directory of sites that bring you the freshest, most relevant content on the Web. We know it’s impossible for anyone to keep track of the 20 million+ online sources of information. So our editors search Web 2.0 — blogs, podcasts, wikis, news sites, and every kind of syndicated source online — by hand. Our Top 10 lists are updated frequently as great new sources come online.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. I’m really liking that site so far.

  2. It looks interesting! I definitely like the idea of filters — there’s so much out there on ye olde internetty.

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