Photos from the HeyLetsGo Party in Boston on Lansdowne Street

Wally at the HeyLetsGo PartyPart of the HeyLetsGo TeamRoy from HeyLetsGo and Anne from Boston Young Professionals AssociationHeyLetsGo party on Landsdowne Street

HeyLetsGo hosted a huge, free party last night at four connected clubs on Lansdowne Street. The party was originally supposed to happen at Fenway Park; but there were worries about rain so the shindig moved across the street. They kept the ballpark theme with a speed pitching contest, batting contest, popcorn, pretzels and hotdogs. Boston bands Jabe and The Rudds played on two stages throughout the evening.

I’m not sure precisely how many people were there but it seemed like at least a couple thousand. I wandered around taking photos and then at about 8:30pm Frank, Rob, Carol and I went on stage with Rebecca from HeyLetsGo who introduced us as a few of their active group organizers/moderators and then she gave away a bunch of prizes including Red Sox tickets.

If you’d like to add me as a contact at HLG, here’s my profile. The “Boston Rocks!” group I started up is percolating with new members. You should join us, too. The rest of the photos I took are on the HeyLetsGo party photo set at Flickr.

Dancing at the HeyLetsGo partyAmy and JonHeyLetsGo party on Landsdowne StreetHeyLetsGo party on Landsdowne Street

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.