Pigeon Camera

The humans over at Engaget posted a funny photo of pigeons with cameras attached to themselves from 1903. So that’s what The Tragically Hip were singing about in “Pigeon Camera”? Aha! And the last set of lyrics in that song sounds like an embarassed Bush supporter even though it was written a while ago.

it was handsome at the auction, oh but when we got it home, it grew up into something we could no longer contain where’s our pigeon camera, by now he could be anywhere and after all that training and after all that training, something we could no longer contain it’s boring, i’m embarrassed, i don’t endorse that, i didn’t want this

this house it has it politics; over there that’s my room and that’s my sister’s and that’s my sister something we could no longer contain it’s boring, i’m embarrassed, i don’t endorse that; i didn’t want this, it’s horrific, i’m embarrassed, i didn’t want that, i didn’t want this it’s like we burned our boots with no contingency plan

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.