Please Pass the Kleenex

Irony or instant karma? I’m not sure. Either way, I’ve got a cold. I had commented to Michael the other day how fabulous it was that I had not been zapped with an illness in 2003. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. I bought a box of Gypsy Cold Care tea at Trader Joe’s. But since I generally dislike hot beverages, I’m conducting an experiment and steeping the tea an extra five minutes then adding ice cubes. I think the only exception to my dislike of hot beverages would have to be hot chocolate.

I’m slowly tinkering on the photolog but haven’t had a chance to take any photos lately since I’ve been hibernating indoors. If you’re in the Boston area, the Bostonia network’s gathering/mixer is happening at 7pm at Caveau inside the Marche Movenpick restaurant at The Prudential Center. It’s the perfect time of the year to hang out at Caveau: a glass of wine and a big fireplace = good times. So, why not join us?

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.