Podcamp Boston 2 Photos

Podcamp Boston 2 Podcamp Boston 2

[Photo on the left: Fiz and Kosso. Photo on the right: Clarence.]

Better late than never! Being stuck indoors this weekend thanks to pesky bronchitis meant I had no excuse not to get caught up with some photos. Here’s my collection of photos from Podcamp Boston 2 that happened October 27-28 at the Boston Convention Center.

Podcamp is an “unconference” style event attended by several hundred internet+media enthusiasts: podcasters, bloggers, video bloggers and people new to it all.

I was a co-organizer of Podcamp Boston 2 and ran the welcome+info desk with Steve Sherlock and a group of volunteers.

View my Podcamp Boston 2 photos with photo captions and links to people’s websites at Flickr …

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.