Rebekah Gewirtz

Fellow Lowden Avenue resident Rebekah Gewirtz and her campaign manager knocked on my door earlier tonight. She’s launching a campaign for Ward 6 Alderman in Somerville and needs to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot to run against incumbant John M. “Jack” Connolly. Apparently I was her first signature. Fun! Normally I wouldn’t want to talk to someone at my door about politics but I was just talking to Michael the other day about how I’d like to learn more about local Somerville politics. Her timing to stop by was excellent.

It looks like Rebekah’s website launched recently. Hopefully she’ll add more content and expand upon this list of information on her issues page.

  • Strong Public Schools: Nothing is more important for a strong community than public education. Rebekah will work to increase funding and improve the quality of our schools.
  • Affordable Housing: Many of our families are struggling to remain in our community. Rebekah will work to reduce housing costs and make our community affordable.
  • Transportation: Rebekah will work to increase transportation options in our city and will continue the important work to bring the Green Line into Somerville.
  • Smart Development: Rebekah knows we need smart, sustainable, and, fair development that builds on our diversity.

tags: , somerville politics

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.