Reflections on ten years of

I bought the domain towards the end of 2000 and this website came to life in 2001 thanks to web designer and developer Makiko Itoh. Maki was writing a book about Javascript at the time and used the work she did on my website to test some of the content for the book. Fast forward to 2011, and the website is ten years old. Crazy, yet true.

Here are some of the blog articles I’ve written during the past ten years. Ah, nostalgia!

“10” photo by Kirsty Hall


December 7, 2001: “Independents Day” panel at South by Southwest Interactive Festival in 2001 with Nick Finck, Dori Smith, Evan Williams and Kelly Abbott. This was my first trip to Austin for SXSW and my first time being on a panel + moderating. I think there may have been 500 people at the festival back then.


December 6, 2002: My music blog Exploit Boston! came to life in 2002.


January 18, 2003: 30th birthday brunch with friends at Henrietta’s Table in Harvard Square. There is not likely to be a better place to have brunch on the planet.

March 21, 2003:It Can’t Rain All The Time” — the day after I received the news that my mom died very suddenly.

May 31, 2003: To celebrate relationship anniversary happenings, (ex-boyfriend) Michael and I saw Cowboy Junkies at the Iron Horse in Northampton, MA

June 24, 2003: Soozle, the official summer cocktail of


January 20, 2004: Birthdays and Howard Dean (and Joan Jett). Lots of Howard Dean supporters greeted him at crazy o’clock in New Hampshire after he returned from the “Dean Scream” in Iowa.


May 19, 2005: Hello, WordPress! This was the day I moved from Movable Type over to WordPress.


July 7, 2006: Bang Camaro’s first show (at the Paradise Rock Club). The day their epic rock and roll was officially unleashed.

November 25, 2006: David Drucker’s op-ed in the L.A. Times about relocating to Canada


October 3, 2007: Music Video Nostalgia: 1986-1994


January 13, 2008: Podcamp Boston 2 Photos. I was a co-organizer of Podcamp Boston in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

April 3, 2008: Bloggers @ A.R.T. I organized three blogger nights with the American Reperatory Theater in Cambridge. This was a blog entry about the second collaboration that connected bloggers with theater.

October 10, 2008: Mandy Moore was a surprise guest of Mike Viola at the Lizard Lounge. And then she blogged about me.


Marcy 19, 2009: TAZA chocolate Factory Tour: how the cocoa winnowing machine works

June 21, 2009: Photos of silver performance artist in Harvard Square


January 8, 2010: Amanda Palmer and Kay Hanley (Letters to Cleo) perform together at Lizard Lounge

March 18, 2010: Video and interview of Boston poet Mignon Ariel King on WGBH’s Basic Black

August 29, 2010 Photo and recipe for Post Punk Kitchen’s vegan tofu scramble — I became vegan on March 18, 2010 (the day after I returned to Boston from SXSW Interactive Festival). This is one of many tasty recipes on the Post Punk Kitchen website.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.