Rock City Crimewave, Suspect Device and Stray Bullets at the Rock & Roll Library Benefit Concert

Three bands put on a great set of shows last night at the Rock & Roll Library’s benefit concert upstairs at Charlie’s Kitchen in Harvard Square. Jason Bennett from Suspect Device performed solo and did the best Billy Bragg cover (whose title I have unfortunately forgotten). I’d like to see Stray Bullets in a bigger room sometime. I’ve never really been much of a punk fan but they definitely won me over. And then later on I finally had a chance to see Rock City Crimewave. I’ve known Gard (on the right in the first two photos), the band’s guitarist for a while but the world always conspired against me whenever I had plans to see them. Unfortunately Gregor’s camera arrived after the first two bands finished up so I didn’t get any photographs of Jason or Stray Bullets. (And yes, Gregor had a very good reason for being stuck at work so late.) Good times, indeed! You can click on the small thumbnails to see larger photos.

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.