Social Media + Web Geeks + Sushi! on Wednesday

If you’ve been reading pre-2004 you probably remember the big Sushi Fests that I’d host when web conferences came to town. Giovanni Gallucci is in town to speak at Flashfoward this week so we’re doing a last minute sushi fest revival. Fun!

Join us on Wednesday (September 19th) at Osushi at 10 Huntington Street. It’s inside the Westin Hotel near the Boston Public Library. The last sushi fest I hosted was there — they’ve got good food and lots of sake, too. We’ve got a reservation for 25 at 6:45pm. Let us know you’ll be there by RSVPing on the event listing.

For some amusement, take a look at the photo gallery with photos from the 1999 sushi fest.

I miss doing events more regularly. Wednesday night’s dinner will hopefully be the first of more frequent gatherings.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.