Something to Say

you can bend my ear / we can talk all day / just make sure that i’m near / when you’ve really got something to say. – “Something to Say” by Toad the Wet Sprocket

This entry is in honor of my mom, Mary Kay Kaup. She passed away March 2003. Her 58th birthday would have been today.

After posting that entirely unoriginal audio post the other day I figured I better come up with something to say today so it has a better chance of drifting off the page sometime soon. There is a lot of interesting things going on this weekend around Boston but I’ll be working throughout most of it. Tonight’s plan, however, is to meet up with a friend or two for dinner at ZuZu (home of the tasty Sour Mash Smash and middle eastern-themed “Pu Pu Platter” – yum!) and then check out the So & So’s concert downstairs at the Middle East next door. The Boston Independent Film Festival is also in town at The Coolidge, Brattle and Somerville Theaters. Over 600 artists in Somerville open up their studios on Saturday and Sunday for the Somerville Open Studios weekend. I hope to wander around with a friend on Sunday.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.