Reflections on ten years of

I bought the domain towards the end of 2000 and this website came to life in 2001 thanks to web designer and developer Makiko Itoh. Maki was writing a book about Javascript at the time and used the work she did on my website to test some of the content for the book. Fast forward to 2011, and the website is ten years old. Crazy, yet true.

Continue reading for an assortment of blog articles I’ve written during the past ten years: my first panel at SXSW Interactive in 2001 with Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, Mandy Moore blogging about me, reflecting upon my mom’s death in 2003, joining a bunch of die-hard Howard Dean supporters to greet him in New Hampshire at 2:00 a.m. after he returned from the “Dean Scream” in Iowa, becoming vegan in 2010 … and the list goes on.