Tasty treats from 37 Signals and Basecamp

Today on my way out the door, I noticed I had a package from Zingerman’s waiting for me. Curious! I opened it up to find that 37 Signals sent me a package thanking me for being a Basecamp customer for many years. I’m vegan (almost three months!) so I can’t eat most of the treats they sent but it was good timing since my summer interns for Exploit Boston! were coming in to work with me at Design Annex today.

Basecamp has been an invaluable tool for my work since 2004. If you are doing team + collaborative projects, Basecamp is essential. I’ve used it with many clients over the years and don’t think I could live without it!

37 Signals is based out of Chicago so it was awesome to see they chose another midwest company, Zingerman’s in Michigan, to send out the customer appreciation package. And if you don’t know about Zingerman’s, definitely check out their website. And of course, you can follow 37 Signals and Zingerman’s on Twitter.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.