summertime cocktail The Soozle

The Soozle Mix :: Volume 1

summertime cocktail The Soozle

Several years ago I started experimenting with a summertime cocktail called The Soozle. The ingredients varied each year. This past Memorial Day Weekend at OldJack headquarters in Arlington I decided to settle on the final ingredient list: Fresca, bourbon/whiskey, large orange slice and ice.

What’s in The Soozle?

  • 1 tall glass (a beer glass works well)
  • Ice (if it’s a hot day outside, fill glass 3/4 full)
  • 4-5 parts Fresca
  • 1-2 parts bourbon (or whiskey)
  • 1 gratuitously large orange slice squeezed and dropped in

This cocktail does an excellent job sneaking up on you. If you don’t think you can’t taste the bourbon, do not add extra bourbon. After a few cocktails, you’ll be bourbon-ed up just fine.

And like any Sooz Creation™, there is a Facebook page that came to life on Tuesday. Click the like button to join The Soozle posse.

There is a soundtrack: The Soozle Mix :: Volume 1 includes the cocktail’s house band OldJack plus Lloyd Cole, DJ Champion and more. You can listen to it via the 8tracks player below. Additional volumes of The Soozle Mix will be released throughout the summer.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.