The website makeover(s)

I upgraded to Movable Type’s latest 3.0D a couple weeks ago and I’m working my way through all my websites to get them updated and back in action. So far I’ve got Free Agent Boston and Boston Blogs mostly finished up (there is always room for more tinkering) and now I’m working on I’m not sure how much of the old design I’m going to bring back. To be determined! And then once this site is in a better state of mind, it’s on to my oh-so-neglected child named Exploit Boston! and then the site for my event planning biz. I was going to apply to blog at the DNC if I managed to get EB! back in action before their deadline. But that didn’t quite happen. Things are moving forward nonetheless.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.