Toad the Wet Sprocket … Reunited Bliss

Toad the Wet Sprocket

What’s to say when your favorite band since your sophomore year in high school (1989) gets back together after breaking up four years ago? Last night Toad the Wet Sprocket performed at the Avalon Ballroom, and for lack of more eloquent words, it was simply amazing. They even played my favorite song that Glen Phillips (lead singer) said they had probably not played live in ten years. The song is “Always Changing Probably” off of their 1989 Bread and Circus album. Toad’s music has been a life soundtrack for the past fourteen years. It was wonderful to see them perform again. And they really seemed to be enjoying it.

The other treat to the evening was finally seeing Bleu perform. He’s a Berklee grad from Boston who has been receiving a lot of acclaim the past three years. After last night I’m definately a fan of his music. He’s clever without being coy. His new song “You Know, I Know, You Know” is one of the most brilliantly written pop songs I’ve ever heard. Download Bleu’s MP3s from his website and then buy the new “Redhead” CD recently released on Aware/Capitol Records.

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.