Today’s Photo: Flathead Without Potato

I haven’t been writing a lot of words on lately — busy with client work and some other projects including Exploit Boston!. I’m going to start updating the site most days with a photo when the wordy entries don’t happen. You can always read my micro-tidbits over at

When I first moved to Boston, Flathead and his little dog Potato were regulars in Harvard Square. This was back in 1994-1998(ish) before the square started to transform into more of a mall. Remember The Tasty Diner and Wursthaus? Flathead (aka Ned) was back in town in September and October this year and it was a blast of fun nostalgia to run into him as I was walking back to Harvard Square after a late Tuesday night enjoying the music of Session Americana with friends at the Lizard Lounge. I stopped to say hi to Flathead and ask if I could take a few photos and noticed that Potato wasn’t there — he had died a few years ago.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.