Unplanned Hibernation, Weblog Writer’s Meeting and Pop!

Time flies when you’re busy ignoring your websites. I didn’t quite intend to stop posting here for nearly two weeks. Oops! I’m thinking about reviving my Live Journal account that I stopped using last winter so I have somewhere to post more journalish, blathering tidbits and keep sooz.com free from those sorts of things. If i haven’t posted here in a while it’s mostly because the things I want to write about are probably more personal than interesting weblog/music/event tidbits. I’m trying to revive some projects but it’s taken a lot longer than I had hoped.

Tonight there’s a Berkman Weblog Writer’s Meeting/Dinner at Bombay Club at 7:15 in Harvard Square. And then Andrea Kremer’s Boston Pop Underground returns to the Lizard Lounge at 9:30 with The So & So’s, Stargazer Lily and Patti Rothburg. Mmmmm pop!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.