Upcoming Conference at Harvard: Signal or Noise 2k5: Creative Revolution?

Meg Smith at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center sent out an email about a conference they are co-hosting on Friday, April 8th called “Signal or Noise 2k5: Creative Revolution?”

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society, the Journal of Law &
Technology, and the Committee for Sports & Entertainment Law, all of
Harvard Law School, are hosting Signal or Noise 2k5: Creative
Revolution? on April 8, 2005, on the Harvard campus in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. The conference website can be found at

The conference offers an exciting mix of performances, demonstrations and discussions examining how digital technologies are enabling new forms of creativity by a broader group of people. Cultural, business, legal and ethical implications of new genres and new forms of authorship will all be covered along with an artist’s interests and rights in downstream uses of original creations.

Scheduled conference participants include New York Times bestselling author Matthew Pearl, copyright scholar Terry Fisher, fanfic author Naomi Novik, David Dixon of Beatallica, innovative musician Dan the Automator, Paul Marino of machinima.org, Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow, and Wendy Seltzer of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Signal or Noise 2k5 is open to the public but pre-registration is
needed: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/sn/register. For more information about the conference’s location, schedule and participants, please visit http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/sn/schedule. To view a map of the area: http://map.harvard.edu/level2.cfm?mapname=camb_allston.

Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested. We hope to have as engaged and diverse an audience as the group of participants!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. Peter Wood says:

    Just a friendly note… you forgot to close the ‘blockquote’ in this entry, and it’s caused all of your other entries to shift over.

  2. Sooz says:

    Thanks for pointing that out. It should be fixed now.

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