Upcoming Event: Bostonia Gathering

Wednesday, February 12th @ 7pm, Caveau, Prudential Center, Boston

Mark James is hosting the third Bostonia gathering at Caveau, a wine bistro that is part of the Marche Movenpick compex at the Prudential Center in Boston. The event takes place Wednesday, February 12th at 7pm. I met a lot of interesting people at the previous two events. There is no cost to attend the event. Everyone pays for their own food and drink.

Bostonia is a network at Ryze, a business networking website founded by Adrian Scott. You don’t need to be a Ryze member to attend Bostonia events; but it’s free to join. The Bostonia Network has over 100 members. If you plan to be at the event but aren’t a Ryze member, let me know you’ll be there. Otherwise, RSVP on the event info page. You can view my page at Ryze but you’ll need to be logged in as a member to see most of the tidbits including guestbook entries.

(Note: This event is an individual Bostonia Network event, and is not officially sponsored by Ryze)

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.