Upcoming Events: Free Agent Dinner and Birthday Shindig

I’ve got a couple events coming up. Free Agent Dinner takes place on Thursday, January 13th at Polcari’s in Kendall Square. Unfortunately, I’m stuck sharing January 20th (my birthday) with another George Bush inauguration. To ease the pain, I’m conspiring with True Grounds, my favorite cafe (also conveniently located in my Ball Square neighborhood) for a birthday soiree and game night. I’m using Whizspark‘s online event planning tools. I look forward to their enhancements which will offer more customization for the layout and links. The black background layout comes with red links which looks a little weird with the purple I’m using elsewhere on the page.

A third event at the end of January is in the works with my new studio compadres. More info about that, soon!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.