Web Innovators Group at the Blue Room

This is one of the photos that took at the recent (Monday, January 30th) shindig that hosted at the Blue Room in Kendall Square. I finally got to hear what Gregor (in blue) is up to at his new venture. He was one of the night’s three presenters and gave a brief overview of his new-and-as-yet-unnamed map-related venture that is lead by techies previously at .

Once again there was a huge turnout. David wants to keep the gathering in Kendall Square but I’m not sure there’s going to be a big enough space in that area to accomodate it unless it moves to a boring hotel function room. mentioned that Characters might be an option. The food probably isn’t great but it’s a pretty big restaurant and bar adjacent to the Marriott Hotel. I wanted to help out scouting around for a venue but would probably be able to help more if the location can be outside of Kendall Square.

Adam Smith including a photo that Brian and I make an appearance in. I didn’t remember until reading Adam’s bio that he was one of the founders of Andover.net. They were the main sponsor for the Geek Pride Festival that I was the event planner for April 1, 2000. Small world moment #2949!

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.


  1. I hope there’s another one soon. I’ll definitely come!

  2. I think they are monthly-ish. Adam Green also has an informal geek dinner planned for February 15th. Check his blog @ darwinianweb.com for additional tidbits.

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